Body Mind Soul Integration

What does Body Mind Soul Integration mean? My goal here is to get everything working together. We have the physical body, pure energy and movement. The mind with all it’s ability to create thought, emotions and goals, and the Soul, our soul is our connection to all that is, to Divine and who we really are. Our reason for being. Bringing all three together can be a powerful event and can create a life of peace, Joy, Love and abundance.

I offer consulting on integrating the 3, and classes to develop and strengthen our connection to the Universal Energy, To Divine, to Ourselves. Classes on developing your intuition, and also reading to assist in bringing peace to your mind and body.

Body, Mind & Soul Integration will bring you closer to your goals and desires and assisting in bringing Peace to your daily life.

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    Tools, Classes & Coaching

Free ONLINE class

I've Got Balls

Energy Balls that is......

Learn how to mold universal energy into your desires

Online Oct 1st, 2024

 Message via contact page to sign up

Living Everyday Aware of Divine

Living everyday aware of Divine means we stop and give thanks for the little things when the day isn’t going so great as well as when blessings abound.  

The Lead program, as part of the Souls Journey coaching, helps you become your own leader. Teaches you to look in the mirror and see the divine in yourself, to find the glimmer of light in the darkest moments.

Living Everyday Aware of Divine, a simple concept with exponential benefits.

Souls Journey Coaching sessions available via Zoom 

More Info?  Contact Ann

Reiki & Energy Healing Sessions,

Classes & Consultations

What Reiki can do for You?

Reiki is a Universal Energy that brings with it an ability to clear blocks and heal our electrical system. Since we are all energy and our world is all energy that makes for some powerful opportunities for Reiki energy, read more

The World Deserves and Needs Reiki

Private & Group Classes Now Available

By Appointment online & In-Person

Contact Ann to Schedule Level 1, 2 or Master 

Heavens Messages
Energy Interpretation & Mediumship

When is it a good time to see an Energy Consultant / Medium?

When it seems so hard to find the answers.

When you think you see a sign but are unsure.

When you are angry that a loved one is gone and you want healing.

When your heart aches for peace.

 read more

Stress Management 

The longer I am on this journey the more I realize the role that stress plays in our lives. When we feel we have it under control something new happens to “test” our ability to control it.  When life hands us a challenge some amazing things happen in our physical bodies.  As well as our energetic body, etheric body and soul

read more 

Aromatherapy & Essential Oils

Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil therapy, can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body,   read more

My Prayer to the World, May we overcome the fear that permeates the thoughts of man with the Love that fills this Universe.

Love will heal us and the world around us.

Special E-Report

"How to Develop Intuition" 

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